el sexo idiota

Ésta es nuestra colección de textos. Sexo Idiota es un grupo literario abierto. Nos reunimos de forma itinerante y poética en varios lugares de Quito.
Tenemos un zine (publicación) y hacemos recitales/open mics.
Si quieres unirte escribe a sexoidiota@gmail.com

lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011


Grown one after another, in millenary procession, out of the same pool.

Soft fish bellies on legs hardening along the great, wild ways.

Eyes to the sky, stretching towards that nameless kinship in the stars,

With a neck tall as a palace, until...

This inhuman air of yore lifted all

Terrific birds above the Earth.

And then,

My love,

Then above this petri dish of stellar consequence,

This crust on molten whims had called us.

My love,

You don’t remember, but we jumped out of the same river together.

May 2011


The artificial state of

Mimicking a home life.

The habitat of your bed,

Sweaty cum marshland.

Something thrives on

This restless bounty above the plane,

Yet we are the only two animals on this satellite.

The self and the center.

The yolk of our daydreams,

Always subject to seasons

And bon voyage.

But otherwise,

A dual mechanism.

The formulaic non-sense

Of kissing after most sentences

with such honey sweet vernacular...

Fall 2010